1972 - 2020
A Message from Remco's Family
"Through our prayers and actions, we are the ones to take over the things that Remco-san still wanted to do."
January 1972 - November 2020
In lieu of cards or flowers, please comfort Remco's spirit by sharing your thoughts and memories with his family and friends here on the Forum page.
If you have photos or videos to share with his family, please share them in this album rather than on this site. (Please note: you will need a gmail account for this; email kindremco@gmail.com from your gmail account.)
Remco was a member of the Shinnyo-En USA temple. If you would like to make a donation in his name, please mail to Shinnyo-En USA, 3910 Bret Harte Dr, Redwood City, CA 94061.
If you prefer to share something personally with Remco's family, please email to kindremco@gmail.com.